Friday, May 15, 2020

Jayne Castel’s THE BEAST’S BRIDE - Great first in the Brides of Skye trilogy!

Set in 1346, this is the story of Rhona MacLeod, the headstrong daughter of a clan chief on the Isle of Skye. She has no wish to wed and so refuses all the suitors her father offers her. Finally fed up, her father decides to hold two days of games, the winner to get Rhona’s hand.

Taran MacKinnon is known to all as “the Beast of Dunvegan” because of his facial scars but he is the best warrior of the MacLeod. Taran is secretly in love with Rhona and never thinks to have her until the games. When he wins, he knows he faces an uphill battle for her love as she did not want to marry him or anyone.

The story is well-written and is guaranteed to hold your interest. Historical details add to its authenticity, and there are some exciting scenes. I did find the wedding night’s “we must consummate” or face your father’s wrath a bit unbelievable. (All Taran needed was a knife to cut his finger and voila! He’d have blood on the sheet.) But no matter. He is a hero you can love and Rhona comes to do just that. It’s a good story and a great start to the trilogy.

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