Monday, June 14, 2021

Nigel Tranter’s THE WALLACE – Excellent Portrayal of a True Scottish Hero of Renown

This is the story of a true patriot well told. The son of a knight, William Wallace rose to move the hearts of the Scots to fight for their freedom from England at a time when Scottish heroes were in short supply. At the end of the 13th century, Scotland was a blood-torn country suffering under the harsh domination of King Edward of England, a tyrant usurper, who was bent on subjugating the Scots as he did the Welsh.

Motivated at first by revenge for the slaughter of his father, Wallace vowed to cleanse his country of the English and set the rightful king, Robert the Bruce, upon the Scottish throne. Wallace, as portrayed by Tranter in this brilliant novel, was a strategic leader with a commanding presence, yet humble when it came to his own skills and achievements. He drew men to him and they came by the thousands. Of course, King Edward could not stand for that and would have an end to Wallace.


Tranter’s descriptions of the hidden locations where Wallace and his men hid from the English are excellent and his command of the players exceptional. He brings to life the difficult years and the contribution of one man who stood alone and became a national hero. His treatment of Wallace’s death is sensitive and well done. Yes, there are battles and violence but well worth the read.

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