Set in 1314, this is the story of Ansel Sutherland, a warrior who has fought at the side of King Robert the Bruce, who is given the task of protecting the illegitimate son of the Earl of Lancaster. Though Ansel dislikes having to apply his skills to help an Englishman, he accepts his role as a bodyguard for the alliance it may bring his king.
When he arrives in England, he encounters Lady Isolda, the boy’s mother who will not disclose the location of her son. But when nefarious attackers show up to go after the lady, he must protect her. So he takes her back to the Highlands and, along the way, their attraction for each other builds.
The story is mostly just Isolda and Ansel though as they travel to the Highlands, we do meet a few more characters. And, eventually, her young son, John. It’s a well written tale, which held my interest though I would have liked a bit more description of the environment around them.
If you like Highland romance with a capable Scottish warrior and a protesting English lady traveling north to the Highlands, you will enjoy this one.
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