Monday, March 6, 2023

Amy Fetzer’s THE IRISH PRINCESS – A Worthy Romance from Ancient Ireland

This is a winning tale set in Ireland in 1169, at a time when Ireland was ruled by independent kings. This was my first by Fetzer and I was impressed. She tells a good story with lots of action and interesting, well-developed characters. There are some mystical elements thrown in as well with the heroine's unique ability to conjure mist, her sister's ability to see the past and the future, and a cousin who is a witch.

This is the story of Siobhan O'Rourke, Princess of Donegal, and Gaelan PenDragon an English mercenary knight, the bastard son of a nobleman, sent by King Henry to take over Donegal and hold it for his king. Undefeated, PenDragon is fierce yet fair and loved by his knights. He demands Siobhan's oath of fealty and she refuses. Other Irish lords would swear to King Henry but not her. Siobhan wants no husband forced on her (she's had one of those), but she agrees to wed the PenDragon when it means she can save her people. PenDragon had no intention of staying in Donegal but he was seized with the desire to possess the Irish beauty. Now he wants her heart. Treachery abounds and both have enemies who want to destroy them.

Fetzer does well at slowly developing the relationship between these two strong people, each harboring past hurts and biases that cause each to mistrust the other. Siobhan is a strong, feisty leader of her people. Gaelan PenDragon is a man of great depth who has never known love. When they ultimately come together it is sweetly done and very believable. I found only a few negatives: It took me a while to adjust to Fetzer's style. Frequently she changed perspectives and some of her scenes were described in a way that made them somewhat difficult to picture. The ending, though dramatic, was a bit drawn out to my thinking. And, a minor point: supposedly, Siobhan lives in Donegal Castle, though in actual history the castle wasn't built until the 15th century. None of this took away from what is a very good story. I recommend it.

The Irish Trilogy:


The Irish Princess

The Irish Enchantress

The Irish Knight


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