Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Jennifer Horsman’s FOREVER AND A LIFETIME: Handsome Swiss Hero, Strong Heroine and a Great Story!

This is a wonderful story. This one by Horsman, a favorite author of mine, has an amazingly complex plot set in an interesting time in history with well-developed characters, sexy love scenes and a hero, who is very virile, and at times a cad. This one also features the usual cats, vegetarians and mystical aspects that seem to characterize her romances.  

Set in Switzerland in the late 15th century when the country was a loose confederation of independent small states called cantons, it tells about the time of Charles the Bold, Lord of Lucerne, who came to power in 1467. He is seeking to grow in power, but Bern sees this as a threat. In this story, our heroine, Lady Nichole Lucretia, Charles’ sister and a great healer, is being forced by her brother to marry the Duke of Uri to gain Charles another army. Nichole judges the duke to be an unjust and cruel man, and loving her people and being a headstrong and intelligent young woman, she refuses.

Charles imprisons her in an abbey to pressure her into complying but she isn’t there long when Jonpaul the Terrible abducts her. Jonpaul is the hero of the Burgundy War, the leader of the Basel Alliance—and their enemy. The Alliance wants to thwart Charles’ plans and they know defeating Nichole’s marriage will further their goal for peace. Jonpaul takes Nichole to his castle where she tries to resist the man even as she seeks escape. Theirs is a relationship of great passion and great conflict, as two strong personalities come together.

What I like about Horsman’s stories is that they are richly detailed and give me that intense feeling that keeps me turning pages. I like her strong heroines, too (none of those whiny females!).

There is great history, great passion and great deception—deception that is believable when it comes from someone you love.  I highly recommend it.

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